quarta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2008

My name is Ricardo Böck, I am 30 years old and I am on the 6th semester. In the 1st and 2nd semesters of 2008, I observed Young-Adults Education (EJA) classes of English language in Manoel Ribas High School. The classes were quite interesting because in this model of education the teacher can find a sort of different people, but in the majority, the students are very concerned with the classes. Despite the fact that there are some adolescents taking this kind of classes, the aim is to educate people that are away from school from a certain period of time and want to retake the studies. Hence, most of people there really want to learn something, want to grow up and be more prepared to the labor market with a High School diploma.
In the classes observed in EJA, I see an inspiring environment to me as a teacher under training, even though this classes are a challenge because the heterogeneity of the students. I could feel that I can really make a difference in the life of those people.
Next year, I hope to do a good job in an EJA class in that school.

Um comentário:

Suzi Reis disse...

Hi, Ricardo,
Thanks for answering the activity in this blog!! It is really important to know that you are enjoying your training. I hope you will do a nice job next semester with those students. I hope we can work together implementing good activities and project that can make difference in those student´s life.